OpenSolaris Automated Installer Guide
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How to Customize Client Installations Using Manifests

Client installations can be customized by assigning different manifests to different clients' install services. The installadm add command assigns a specific manifest to a client. See the following example.

Assigning a Manifest to a Client

  1. Create a criteria manifest file, criteria_mac.xml, that connects a new AI manifest file, ai_manifest1.xml, to a client. See examples in Criteria Manifest Examples.

  2. Check which install services are running on the subnet by using the following command:

    # installadm list

    The install services running on the system are displayed:


    In this example, service_032509 is running on the system.

  3. Add the manifest files and the criteria defined by criteria_mac.xml to the install service, service_032509, by using the following command:

    # installadm add -m criteria_mac.xml -n service_032509
  4. Run the following command to see that the AI manifest file, ai_manifest1.xml, has been added to the install service.

    Note - Only the AI manifest name, from the XML <ai_manifest> tag, is registered with the automated installer's database. The criteria manifest's name is not stored in this database. And, the SC manifest is part of the AI manifest. Therefore, the following command output displays only the AI manifest name

    # installadm list -n service_032509

    The following output shows that the manifest is assigned to the install service.


How to Remove an AI Manifest File From an Install Service

If you want to remove an AI manifest file from an install service, use the following command.

# installadm remove -m manifestname -n servicename

For example, to remove a manifest named ai_manifest1 from the install service, service_032509, use the following command:

# installadm remove -m ai_manifest1 -n service_032509
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