System Administration Guide: Network Services


-V option, umount command, umount Command
-v option
automount command, Error Messages Generated by automount -v
uucheck command, Checking Basic Information
vacation command
Enhancement for vacation Utility
Contents of the /usr/bin Directory
sendmail Features
VALIDATE option of Permissions file
/var/mail directory
Local Mail Only
Local Mail and a Remote Connection
automatic mounting of, How to Set Up a Mail Client
mail client configuration and, How to Set Up a Mail Client
/var/mail file, Mailbox Files
/var/nca/log file, NCA Files
/var/run/nca_httpd_1.door file, NCA Files
/var/run/ file, Other Files Used for Mail Services
/var/spool/clientmqueue directory, Other Files Used for Mail Services
/var/spool/mqueue directory, Other Files Used for Mail Services
/var/spool/uucppublic directory maintenance, UUCP Public Directory
/var/uucp/.Admin/errors directory, Checking UUCP Error Messages
/var/uucp/.Status directory, Checking UUCP Error Messages
variables in map entries
Variables in a Map Entry
Variables in a Map Entry
vendor setting, specifying in file, Versions of the Configuration File
verifiers, RPC authentication system, Secure RPC
verifying, remote system operation, How to Find Out If a Remote System Is Operating
version level, specifying in file, Versions of the Configuration File
version negotiation, NFS, Version Negotiation in NFS
vfstab file
automount command and, How Autofs Works
enabling client-side failover, How to Use Client-Side Failover
mounting by diskless clients, About Autofs
mounting file systems at boot time, How to Mount a File System at Boot Time
NFS servers and, How to Mount a File System at Boot Time
nolargefiles option, How to Disable Large Files on an NFS Server
virtual hosts, setting up, Setting Up a Virtual Host
VIRTUSER_DOMAIN_FILE() m4 configuration macro, Additional and Revised m4 Configuration Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
VIRTUSER_DOMAIN() m4 configuration macro, Additional and Revised m4 Configuration Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
virtuser_entire_domain FEATURE() declaration, Changes to the FEATURE() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail
volatile file handles, NFS version 4, Volatile File Handles in NFS Version 4


warm start, rpcbind daemon, How to Warm-Start rpcbind
WARNING: mountpoint already mounted on message, Error Messages Generated by automount -v
WebNFS service
browsing, How to Browse Using an NFS URL
description, How the WebNFS Service Works
enabling, How to Enable WebNFS Access
firewalls and, How to Enable WebNFS Access Through a Firewall
overview, WebNFS Support
planning for, Planning for WebNFS Access
security negotiations and, Security Negotiation for the WebNFS Service
task map, WebNFS Administration Tasks
URL service types and, How to Browse Using an NFS URL
weighting of servers in maps, Autofs and Weighting
wide area network (WAN)
UUCP (Overview)
UUCP (Reference)
work (C.) UUCP files
cleanup, uudemon.cleanup Shell Script
UUCP Administrative Files
UUCP Administrative Files
working directory, definition for rcp command, Specifying Source and Target
write errors, NFS and, NFS Version 3 Protocol
WRITE option of Permissions file, UUCP READ and WRITE Options

