Which Database Propagation System to Use
The database that is stored on the master KDC must be regularly
propagated to the slave KDCs. You can configure the propagation of the database
to be incremental. The incremental process propagates only updated information to the slave KDCs,
rather than the entire database. For more information about database propagation, see
Administering the Kerberos Database.
If you do not use incremental propagation, one of the first issues
to resolve is how often to update the slave KDCs. The need to
have up-to-date information that is available to all clients must be weighed against
the amount of time it takes to complete the update.
In large installations with many KDCs in one realm, one or more
slaves can propagate the data so that the process is done in parallel.
This strategy reduces the amount of time that the update takes, but it
also increases the level of complexity in administering the realm. For a complete
description of this strategy, see Setting Up Parallel Propagation.