Document Information
Part I Designing Device Drivers for the Solaris Platform
1. Overview of Solaris Device Drivers
2. Solaris Kernel and Device Tree
3. Multithreading
4. Properties
5. Managing Events and Queueing Tasks
6. Driver Autoconfiguration
7. Device Access: Programmed I/O
8. Interrupt Handlers
9. Direct Memory Access (DMA)
10. Mapping Device and Kernel Memory
11. Device Context Management
12. Power Management
13. Hardening Solaris Drivers
14. Layered Driver Interface (LDI)
Part II Designing Specific Kinds of Device Drivers
15. Drivers for Character Devices
16. Drivers for Block Devices
17. SCSI Target Drivers
18. SCSI Host Bus Adapter Drivers
19. Drivers for Network Devices
20. USB Drivers
Part III Building a Device Driver
21. Compiling, Loading, Packaging, and Testing Drivers
22. Debugging, Testing, and Tuning Device Drivers
23. Recommended Coding Practices
Part IV Appendixes
A. Hardware Overview
B. Summary of Solaris DDI/DKI Services
Module Functions
Device Information Tree Node (dev_info_t) Functions
Device (dev_t) Functions
Property Functions
Device Software State Functions
Memory Allocation and Deallocation Functions
Kernel Thread Control and Synchronization Functions
Task Queue Management Functions
Interrupt Functions
Direct Memory Access (DMA) Functions
User Space Access Functions
User Process Event Functions
User Process Information Functions
User Application Kernel and Device Access Functions
Time-Related Functions
Power Management Functions
Fault Management Functions
Kernel Statistics Functions
Kernel Logging and Printing Functions
Buffered I/O Functions
Virtual Memory Functions
Device ID Functions
SCSI Functions
Resource Map Management Functions
System Global State
Utility Functions
C. Making a Device Driver 64-Bit Ready
D. Console Frame Buffer Drivers
Programmed I/O Functions
The programmed I/O functions are: - ddi_dev_nregs()
Return the number of register sets a device has
- ddi_dev_regsize()
Return the size of a device's register
- ddi_regs_map_setup()
Set up a mapping for a register address space
- ddi_regs_map_free()
Free a previously mapped register address space
- ddi_device_copy()
Copy data from one device register to another device register
- ddi_device_zero()
Zero fill the device
- ddi_check_acc_handle()
Check data access handle
- ddi_get8()
Read 8-bit data from mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_get16()
Read 16-bit data from mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_get32()
Read 32-bit data from mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_get64()
Read 64-bit data from mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_put8()
Write 8-bit data to mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_put16()
Write 16-bit data to mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_put32()
Write 32-bit data to mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_put64()
Write 64-bit data to mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_rep_get8()
Read multiple 8-bit data from mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_rep_get16()
Read multiple 16-bit data from mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_rep_get32()
Read multiple 32-bit data from mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_rep_get64()
Read multiple 64-bit data from mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_rep_put8()
Write multiple 8-bit data to mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_rep_put16()
Write multiple 16-bit data to mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_rep_put32()
Write multiple 32-bit data to mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_rep_put64()
Write multiple 64-bit data to mapped memory, device register, or DMA memory
- ddi_peek8()
Cautiously read an 8-bit value from a location
- ddi_peek16()
Cautiously read a 16-bit value from a location
- ddi_peek32()
Cautiously read a 32-bit value from a location
- ddi_peek64()
Cautiously read a 64-bit value from a location
- ddi_poke8()
Cautiously write an 8-bit value to a location
- ddi_poke16()
Cautiously write a 16-bit value to a location
- ddi_poke32()
Cautiously write a 32-bit value to a location
- ddi_poke64()
Cautiously write a 64-bit value to a location
The general programmed I/O functions listed above can always be used rather than
the mem, io, and pci_config functions that follow. However, the following functions can be
used as alternatives in cases where the type of access is known at
compile time. - ddi_io_get8()
Read 8-bit data from a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_get16()
Read 16-bit data from a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_get32()
Read 32-bit data from a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_put8()
Write 8-bit data to a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_put16()
Write 16-bit data to a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_put32()
Write 32-bit data to a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_rep_get8()
Read multiple 8-bit data from a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_rep_get16()
Read multiple 16-bit data from a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_rep_get32()
Read multiple 32-bit data from a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_rep_put8()
Write multiple 8-bit data to a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_rep_put16()
Write multiple 16-bit data to a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_io_rep_put32()
Write multiple 32-bit data to a mapped device register in I/O space
- ddi_mem_get8()
Read 8-bit data from a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_get16()
Read 16-bit data from a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_get32()
Read 32-bit data from a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_get64()
Read 64-bit data from a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_put8()
Write 8-bit data to a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_put16()
Write 16-bit data to a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_put32()
Write 32-bit data to a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_put64()
Write 64-bit data to a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_rep_get8()
Read multiple 8-bit data from a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_rep_get16()
Read multiple 16-bit data from a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_rep_get32()
Read multiple 32-bit data from a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_rep_get64()
Read multiple 64-bit data from a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_rep_put8()
Write multiple 8-bit data to a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_rep_put16()
Write multiple 16-bit data to a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_rep_put32()
Write multiple 32-bit data to a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- ddi_mem_rep_put64()
Write multiple 64-bit data to a mapped device in memory space or DMA memory
- pci_config_setup()
Set up access to PCI Local Bus Configuration space
- pci_config_teardown()
Tear down access to PCI Local Bus Configuration space
- pci_config_get8()
Read 8-bit data from the PCI Local Bus Configuration space
- pci_config_get16()
Read 16-bit data from the PCI Local Bus Configuration space
- pci_config_get32()
Read 32-bit data from the PCI Local Bus Configuration space
- pci_config_get64()
Read 64-bit data from the PCI Local Bus Configuration space
- pci_config_put8()
Write 8-bit data to the PCI Local Bus Configuration space
- pci_config_put16()
Write 16-bit data to the PCI Local Bus Configuration space
- pci_config_put32()
Write 32-bit data to the PCI Local Bus Configuration space
- pci_config_put64()
Write 64-bit data to the PCI Local Bus Configuration space
Table B-4 Deprecated Programmed I/O FunctionsDeprecated Function |
Replacement |
ddi_getb() |
ddi_get8() |
ddi_getl() |
ddi_get32() |
ddi_getll() |
ddi_get64() |
ddi_getw() |
ddi_get16() |
ddi_io_getb() |
ddi_io_get8() |
ddi_io_getl() |
ddi_io_get32() |
ddi_io_getw() |
ddi_io_get16() |
ddi_io_putb() |
ddi_io_put8() |
ddi_io_putl() |
ddi_io_put32() |
ddi_io_putw() |
ddi_io_put16() |
ddi_io_rep_getb() |
ddi_io_rep_get8() |
ddi_io_rep_getl() |
ddi_io_rep_get32() |
ddi_io_rep_getw() |
ddi_io_rep_get16() |
ddi_io_rep_putb() |
ddi_io_rep_put8() |
ddi_io_rep_putl() |
ddi_io_rep_put32() |
ddi_io_rep_putw() |
ddi_io_rep_put16() |
ddi_map_regs() |
ddi_regs_map_setup() |
ddi_mem_getb() |
ddi_mem_get8() |
ddi_mem_getl() |
ddi_mem_get32() |
ddi_mem_getll() |
ddi_mem_get64() |
ddi_mem_getw() |
ddi_mem_get16() |
ddi_mem_putb() |
ddi_mem_put8() |
ddi_mem_putl() |
ddi_mem_put32() |
ddi_mem_putll() |
ddi_mem_put64() |
ddi_mem_putw() |
ddi_mem_put16() |
ddi_mem_rep_getb() |
ddi_mem_rep_get8() |
ddi_mem_rep_getl() |
ddi_mem_rep_get32() |
ddi_mem_rep_getll() |
ddi_mem_rep_get64() |
ddi_mem_rep_getw() |
ddi_mem_rep_get16() |
ddi_mem_rep_putb() |
ddi_mem_rep_put8() |
ddi_mem_rep_putl() |
ddi_mem_rep_put32() |
ddi_mem_rep_putll() |
ddi_mem_rep_put64() |
ddi_mem_rep_putw() |
ddi_mem_rep_put16() |
ddi_peekc() |
ddi_peek8() |
ddi_peekd() |
ddi_peek64() |
ddi_peekl() |
ddi_peek32() |
ddi_peeks() |
ddi_peek16() |
ddi_pokec() |
ddi_poke8() |
ddi_poked() |
ddi_poke64() |
ddi_pokel() |
ddi_poke32() |
ddi_pokes() |
ddi_poke16() |
ddi_putb() |
ddi_put8() |
ddi_putl() |
ddi_put32() |
ddi_putll() |
ddi_put64() |
ddi_putw() |
ddi_put16() |
ddi_rep_getb() |
ddi_rep_get8() |
ddi_rep_getl() |
ddi_rep_get32() |
ddi_rep_getll() |
ddi_rep_get64() |
ddi_rep_getw() |
ddi_rep_get16() |
ddi_rep_putb() |
ddi_rep_put8() |
ddi_rep_putl() |
ddi_rep_put32() |
ddi_rep_putll() |
ddi_rep_put64() |
ddi_rep_putw() |
ddi_rep_put16() |
ddi_unmap_regs() |
ddi_regs_map_free() |
inb() |
ddi_io_get8() |
inl() |
ddi_io_get32() |
inw() |
ddi_io_get16() |
outb() |
ddi_io_put8() |
outl() |
ddi_io_put32() |
outw() |
ddi_io_put16() |
pci_config_getb() |
pci_config_get8() |
pci_config_getl() |
pci_config_get32() |
pci_config_getll() |
pci_config_get64() |
pci_config_getw() |
pci_config_get16() |
pci_config_putb() |
pci_config_put8() |
pci_config_putl() |
pci_config_put32() |
pci_config_putll() |
pci_config_put64() |
pci_config_putw() |
pci_config_put16() |
repinsb() |
ddi_io_rep_get8() |
repinsd() |
ddi_io_rep_get32() |
repinsw() |
ddi_io_rep_get16() |
repoutsb() |
ddi_io_rep_put8() |
repoutsd() |
ddi_io_rep_put32() |
repoutsw() |
ddi_io_rep_put16() |