System Administration Guide: Network Services
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n escape character, Dialers file, UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File
N escape character, Dialers file, UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File
name option (PPP)
for CHAP authentication, How to Add CHAP Support to the PPP Configuration Files (Dial-in Server)
in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets, How to Add PAP Support to the PPP Configuration Files (Dial-out Machine)
with noservice, Using PPPoE and PPP Files to Configure an Access Server
name service domains, mail domains and, Mail Domains and Name Service Domains
name services, autofs map maintenance methods, Administrative Tasks Involving Maps
node name
UUCP alias
UUCP Database Files
UUCP remote computer
System-Name Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File
UUCP /etc/uucp/Sysname File
accessing shared, How to Set Up Different Architectures to Access a Shared Namespace
autofs and, Autofs Features
navigating using maps
overview, How Autofs Navigates Through the Network (Maps)
starting the process
Mount Point /home
How Autofs Starts the Navigation Process (Master Map)
architecture, NCA Architecture
changing logging, How to Enable or Disable NCA Logging
disabling, How to Disable Caching of Web Pages
enabling, How to Enable Caching of Web Pages
files description, NCA Files
httpd and, NCA Architecture
kernel module, NCA Architecture
list of tasks, Managing Web Cache Servers (Task Map)
new features, Network Cache and Accelerator (Overview)
overview, Network Cache and Accelerator (Overview)
requirements, System Requirements for NCA
socket library, How to Load the Socket Utility Library for NCA
sockets, Interpositioning Library for Daemon Support of the Door Server library, NCA Files
nca_httpd_1.door file, NCA Files
nca.if file
How to Enable Caching of Web Pages
NCA Files
NCA log file, NCA Files
ncab2clf command, NCA Files
ncaconfd command, NCA Files
ncakmod.conf file
How to Enable Caching of Web Pages
How to Disable Caching of Web Pages
NCA Files
ncakmod module, NCA Architecture
ncalogd.conf file
How to Enable Caching of Web Pages
How to Disable Caching of Web Pages
NCA Files
ncalogd script
NCA Files
NCA Files
ncaport.conf file, NCA Files
file transfer size, File Transfer Size Negotiation
WebNFS security, Security Negotiation for the WebNFS Service
/net mount point, Mount Point /net
net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval property, How to Limit UAs and SAs to Statically Configured DAs
definition, Modifying DA Advertising and Discovery Frequency
net.slp.DAAddresses property
How to Configure DA Heartbeat for Frequent Partitions
Considerations When Configuring Scopes
Placing Multiple DAs for Load Balancing
definition, Limiting UAs and SAs to Statically Configured DAs
net.slp.DAAttributes property, Reducing SA Reregistrations
net.slp.DAHeartBeat property
How to Configure DA Heartbeat for Frequent Partitions
How to Reduce SA Reregistrations
definition, Modifying DA Advertising and Discovery Frequency
net.slp.interfaces property
changing interfaces, How to Configure the net.slp.interfaces Property
configuring, Configuring the net.slp.interfaces Property
DAs and, Where to Place DAs
multihomed hosts and, DA Placement and Scope Name Assignment
nonrouted interfaces and, Considerations When Configuring for Nonrouted, Multiple Network Interfaces
net.slp.isBroadcastOnly property
Configuring Broadcast-Only Routing
How to Configure Broadcast-Only Routing
When to Configure for Nonrouted, Multiple Network Interfaces
Configuring the net.slp.interfaces Property
net.slp.isDA property, How to Change Your SLP Configuration
net.slp.MTU property, Configuring the Packet Size
net.slp.multicastTTL property, Configuring the Multicast Time-to-Live Property
net.slp.passiveDADetection property, How to Limit UAs and SAs to Statically Configured DAs
definition, Modifying DA Advertising and Discovery Frequency
net.slp.randomWaitBound property, Configuring the Random-Wait Bound
net.slp.serializedRegURL property, How to Enable SLP Proxy Registration
net.slp.useScopes property
Considerations When Configuring Scopes
Considerations When Configuring Scopes
Using SLP Proxy Registration to Advertise
definition, Deploying Scopes
netconfig file, description, NFS Files
netstat command
Using snoop to Monitor SLP Activity
How to Check the Network Status
Examples–Checking the Network Status
-i option (interfaces)
How to Check the Network Status
Examples–Checking the Network Status
Monitoring Network Performance
How to Check the Network Status
-r option (IP routing table), Examples–Checking the Network Status
-s option (per protocol), Examples–Checking the Network Status
network authentication for remote logins
Authentication for Remote Logins (rlogin)
/etc/hosts.equiv File
Direct or Indirect Remote Logins
Network Cache and Accelerator, See NCA
network databases services, UUCP port, How to Activate UUCP for TCP/IP
network interfaces (SLP), nonrouted considerations, Considerations When Configuring for Nonrouted, Multiple Network Interfaces
network lock manager, Network Lock Manager and NFS
commands for monitoring performance, Monitoring Network Performance
displaying performance information
Monitoring Network Performance
How to Check the Response of Hosts on the Network
How to Check the Network Status
Examples–Displaying NFS Server and Client Statistics
client statistics
How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics
Examples–Displaying NFS Server and Client Statistics
collision rate, Examples–Checking the Network Status
host response
How to Check the Response of Hosts on the Network
How to Check the Response of Hosts on the Network
interface statistics
How to Check the Network Status
Examples–Checking the Network Status
IP routing table, Examples–Checking the Network Status
server statistics
How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics
Examples–Displaying NFS Server and Client Statistics
capturing from network
Monitoring Network Performance
How to Capture Packets From the Network
dropped, How to Capture Packets From the Network
error rates, Examples–Checking the Network Status
number transmitted, Examples–Checking the Network Status
reliability testing
Monitoring Network Performance
How to Check the Response of Hosts on the Network
How to Send Packets to Hosts on the Network
sending to hosts
How to Check the Response of Hosts on the Network
How to Check the Response of Hosts on the Network
How to Send Packets to Hosts on the Network
tracing client calls to servers
Monitoring Network Performance
How to Capture Packets From the Network
hardware components, Examples–Displaying NFS Server and Client Statistics
high retransmission rate, How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics
Never Time field entry, UUCP SENDFILES Option
newaliases command, UUCP and, Email for UUCP
newaliases link, Other Files Used for Mail Services
newkey command, enabling secure NFS, How to Set Up a Secure NFS Environment With DH Authentication
newline escape characters
UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File
UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File
commands, NFS Commands
daemons, NFS Daemons
version negotiation, Version Negotiation in NFS
NFS ACL Support
ACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4
error message, Permission denied, NFS Error Messages
NFS administration, administrator responsibilities, Network File System Administration (Tasks)
NFS can't support nolargefiles message, NFS Error Messages
NFS_CLIENT_VERSMAX keyword, Keywords for the /etc/default/nfs File
NFS_CLIENT_VERSMIN keyword, Keywords for the /etc/default/nfs File
NFS clients
incompatible operating system support, How to Support Incompatible Client Operating System Versions
NFS services, NFS Servers and Clients
NFS environment, Secure NFS system, Secure NFS System
NFS locking, client-side failover and, Failover and NFS Locking
NFS-mounted file systems
mail clients and
Setting Up Mail Services
How to Set Up a Mail Client
mail servers and, How to Set Up a Mail Server
NFS_SERVER_DELEGATION keyword, Keywords for the /etc/default/nfs File
NFS server logging
enabling, How to Enable NFS Server Logging
overview, NFS Server Logging
NFS_SERVER_VERSMAX keyword, Keywords for the /etc/default/nfs File
NFS_SERVER_VERSMIN keyword, Keywords for the /etc/default/nfs File
NFS servers
autofs selection of files, How Autofs Selects the Nearest Read-Only Files for Clients (Multiple Locations)
daemons required for remote mounting, Strategies for NFS Troubleshooting
identifying current, Identifying Which Host Is Providing NFS File Service
maintaining, Network File System Administration (Tasks)
replicating shared files, How to Replicate Shared Files Across Several Servers
clearing problems, How to Check Connectivity on an NFS Client
remote mounting problems
NFS Troubleshooting Procedures
NFS Error Messages
weighting in maps, Autofs and Weighting
NFS services
restarting, How to Restart NFS Services
selecting different versions on client by
modifying the /etc/default/nfs file, How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client by Modifying the /etc/default/nfs File
using the command line, How to Use the Command Line to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client
selecting different versions on server, How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Server
starting, How to Start the NFS Services
stopping, How to Stop the NFS Services
task map, Setting Up NFS Services
NFS troubleshooting
determining where NFS service has failed, How to Verify the NFS Service on the Server
hung programs, NFS Error Messages
remote mounting problems, NFS Error Messages
server problems, How to Check Connectivity on an NFS Client
strategies, Strategies for NFS Troubleshooting
autofs and, How to Use NFS URLs With Autofs
mount command example, Using the mount Command
mounting file systems with, How to Mount an NFS File System Using an NFS URL
mounting with, Solaris 7 Extensions for NFS Mounting
syntax, How to Browse Using an NFS URL
WebNFS and, Planning for WebNFS Access
NFS V2 can't support largefiles message, NFS Error Messages
NFS version 4, features in, Features in NFS Version 4
nfs4cbd daemon, nfs4cbd Daemon
nfscast: cannot receive reply message, Miscellaneous Error Messages
nfscast: cannot send packet message, Miscellaneous Error Messages
nfscast: select message, Miscellaneous Error Messages
nfsd daemon, nfsd Daemon
checking response on server, How to Check the NFS Server Remotely
mounting and, How File Systems Are Mounted
verifying if running, How to Verify the NFS Service on the Server
nfslog.conf file
description, /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf File
enabling NFS server logging, How to Enable NFS Server Logging
nfslogd daemon
description, nfslogd Daemon
enabling NFS server logging, How to Enable NFS Server Logging
nfslogd file, /etc/default/nfslogd File
nfsmapid daemon
ACLs and, ACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4
additional information about, Additional Information About nfsmapid
configuration files and, Configuration Files and nfsmapid
configuring the NFSv4 default domain, Configuring the NFS Version 4 Default Domain
NFS Version 4 Protocol
nfsmapid Daemon
DNS TXT records and, nfsmapid and DNS TXT Records
identifying NFSv4 domain, Checking for the NFS Version 4 Domain
precedence rules and, Precedence Rules
Keywords for the /etc/default/nfs File
ACLs and nfsmapid in NFS Version 4
nfsstat command
Identifying Which Host Is Providing NFS File Service
nfsstat Command
How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics
Examples–Displaying NFS Server and Client Statistics
-c option (clients)
How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics
How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics
Examples–Displaying NFS Server and Client Statistics
-m option (per file system)
How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics
Examples–Displaying NFS Server and Client Statistics
Monitoring Network Performance
How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics
-s option (servers), How to Display NFS Server and Client Statistics
NIS+ mail_aliases table, NIS+ mail_aliases Table
adding aliases to, How to Add Aliases to the NIS+ mail_aliases Table From the Command Line
adding entries by editing, How to Add Entries by Editing an NIS+ mail_aliases Table
deleting entries from, How to Edit Entries in an NIS+ mail_aliases Table
editing entries in, How to Edit Entries in an NIS+ mail_aliases Table
initiating tables, How to Initiate an NIS+ mail_aliases Table
listing an individual entry from, How to List the Contents of the NIS+ mail_aliases Table
listing partial matches, How to List the Contents of the NIS+ mail_aliases Table
listing the entire contents of, How to List the Contents of the NIS+ mail_aliases Table
NIS+ name service, updating autofs maps, Administrative Tasks Involving Maps
NIS aliases map, NIS aliases Map
NIS mail.aliases map, setting up, How to Set Up an NIS mail.aliases Map
NIS name service, updating autofs maps, Administrative Tasks Involving Maps
nisaddcred command, enabling secure NFS, How to Set Up a Secure NFS Environment With DH Authentication
nistbladm command
modifying autofs master map (auto_master), How to Modify the Master Map
modifying direct autofs map, How to Modify Direct Maps
modifying indirect autofs map, How to Modify Indirect Maps
nnn escape character, UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File
no_default_msa FEATURE() declaration, Changes to the FEATURE() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail
no info message, Miscellaneous Error Messages
No such file or directory message, NFS Error Messages
noauth option (PPP)
How to Define the Connection With an Individual Peer
How to Configure a Machine on a Leased Line
nocanonify FEATURE() declaration, Changes to the FEATURE() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail
noccp option (PPP), How to Configure Users of the Dial-in Server
node name
UUCP alias
UUCP Database Files
UUCP remote computer
System-Name Field in /etc/uucp/Systems File
UUCP /etc/uucp/Sysname File
noipdefault option (PPP), How to Define the Connection With an Individual Peer
nolargefiles option
error message, NFS Error Messages
in vfstab file, How to Disable Large Files on an NFS Server
mount command
How to Disable Large Files on an NFS Server
mount Options for NFS File Systems
Non-group keyword of Permit-type field, UUCP Permit-type Field
Non-user keyword of Permit-type field, UUCP Permit-type Field
NOREAD option of Permissions file
noservice option (PPP), Using PPPoE and PPP Files to Configure an Access Server
nosuid option, share command, NFS-Specific share Options
Not a directory message, Miscellaneous Error Messages
Not found message, Error Messages Generated by automount -v
nouucp FEATURE() declaration, Changes to the FEATURE() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail
NOWRITE option of Permissions file
nsswitch.conf file
How to Use DNS With sendmail
Authentication for Remote Logins (rlogin)
nthreads option, lockd daemon, lockd Daemon
NTP client, setting up, How to Set Up an NTP Client
ntp.conf file
How to Set Up an NTP Server
How to Set Up an NTP Client
NTP files, Network Time Protocol (Reference)
NTP server, setting up, How to Set Up an NTP Server
ntpdate command, Network Time Protocol (Reference)
ntpq command, Network Time Protocol (Reference)
ntpstats directory, Network Time Protocol (Reference)
ntptrace command, Network Time Protocol (Reference)
null escape character, UUCP /etc/uucp/Dialers File
nullclient FEATURE() declaration, Changes to the FEATURE() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail
number sign (#)
comments in direct maps, Direct Autofs Maps
comments in indirect maps, Indirect Autofs Maps
comments in master map (auto_master), Master Autofs Map
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