System Administration Guide: Network Services
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m4 directory, Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory
MACHINE Permissions file
combining with LOGNAME, Combining MACHINE and LOGNAME Entries for UUCP
default permissions or restrictions, UUCP Considerations
description, UUCP Structuring Entries
macros from version 8.12
defined macros (sendmail), Additional Defined Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
m4 configuration macros (sendmail), Additional and Revised m4 Configuration Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
MAX macros (sendmail), Additional MAX Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
mail addresses
% in, Mailbox Files
case sensitivity, Mail Addresses
description, Mail Addresses
domains and subdomains, Mail Addresses
local, Mailbox Files
mail routing and, Mail Addresses and Mail Routing
mail alias files
administering, Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map)
description, Mail Alias Files
/etc/mail/aliases file, /etc/mail/aliases File
.mailrc aliases, .mailrc Aliases
mail clients
definition, Mail Client
NFS-mounted file systems and, How to Set Up a Mail Client
setting up a mail client, How to Set Up a Mail Client
mail command, Contents of the /usr/bin Directory
mail commands, interactions of, Interactions of Mail Programs
mail configuration
local mail and a remote connection, Local Mail and a Remote Connection
local only, Local Mail Only
testing, How to Test the Mail Configuration
typical, Overview of the Hardware Components
mail connections to other systems, testing, How to Verify Connections to Other Systems
mail domains
name service domains and, Mail Domains and Name Service Domains file and, and Mail Domains
mail exchanger (MX) records, How to Use DNS With sendmail
mail filter API, MILTER, MILTER, Mail Filter API for sendmail
mail gateways
configuring, Mail Gateway
definition, Mail Gateway file and, Mail Gateway
setting up a mail gateway, How to Set Up a Mail Gateway
testing, How to Test the Mail Configuration
mail hosts
description, Mail Host
setting up a mail host, How to Set Up a Mail Host
mail queue
administering the queue directories, Administering the Queue Directories (Task Map)
forcing mail queue processing, How to Force Mail Queue Processing in the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue
moving the mail queue, How to Move the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue
running a subset of, How to Run a Subset of the Mail Queue, /var/spool/mqueue
running the old mail queue, How to Run the Old Mail Queue, /var/spool/omqueue
Mail.rc file, Contents of the /etc/mail Directory
mail routing, mail addresses and, Mail Addresses and Mail Routing
mail servers, Mail Server
backups and, Mail Server
description, Mail Server
mailboxes on
Mailbox Files
Mail Server
Mail Server
setting up a mail server, How to Run the Old Mail Queue, /var/spool/omqueue
space requirements for, Mail Server
mail services
changes to sendmail from version 8.12, Changes From Version 8.12 of sendmail
changes to sendmail in version 8.13, Changes in Version 8.13 of sendmail
hardware components
mail client, Mail Client
mail gateway, Mail Gateway
mail host, Mail Host
mail server, Mail Server
required elements, Hardware Components
planning your mail system, Planning Your Mail System
software components, Software Components
local delivery agent, Local Delivery Agent
mail addresses, Mail Addresses
mail aliases, Mail Aliases
mail transfer agent, Mail Transfer Agent
mail user agent, Mail User Agent
mailbox files, Mailbox Files
mailers, Mailers and sendmail
task maps
administering .forward files, Administering .forward Files (Task Map)
administering mail alias files, Administering Mail Alias Files (Task Map)
administering the queue directories, Administering the Queue Directories (Task Map)
comprehensive task map, Task Map for Mail Services
setting up mail services, Setting Up Mail Services (Task Map)
troubleshooting procedures and tips, Troubleshooting Procedures and Tips for Mail Services (Task Map)
mail transfer agents, Mail Transfer Agent
mail user agents, Mail User Agent
mailbox names, Mailbox Files
files for
Mailbox Files
Mailbox Files
Other Files Used for Mail Services
mail servers and
Mail Server
Mail Server
space requirements for, Mail Server
mailcompat filter, Contents of the /usr/bin Directory
MAILER-DAEMON messages, Other Sources for Mail Diagnostic Information
MAILER() declarations from version 8.12, Changes to the MAILER() Declaration From Version 8.12 of sendmail
mailer directory, Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory
built-in (sendmail )
[TCP] and [IPC], Change to the Built-In Mailer From Version 8.12 of sendmail
definition, Mailers and sendmail
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mailers, Mailers and sendmail
Solaris mailers
Mailers and sendmail
Mailers and sendmail
UNIX-to-UNIX Copy command (UUCP) mailers, Mailers and sendmail
mailq command, Contents of the /usr/bin Directory
.mailrc aliases, .mailrc Aliases
.mailrc file, Mail Aliases
mailstats command, Contents of the /usr/bin Directory
mailx command, Contents of the /usr/bin Directory
mailx.rc file, Contents of the /etc/mail Directory file
Contents of the /etc/mail Directory
sendmail Configuration File file
Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory
Changes to Files From Version 8.12 of sendmail file, Changes to Files From Version 8.12 of sendmail
maintaining UUCP
adding logins
Adding UUCP Logins
How to Add UUCP Logins
mail, Email for UUCP
public directory, UUCP Public Directory
regular maintenance
Regular UUCP Maintenance
UUCP Public Directory
shell scripts
Starting UUCP
uudemon.cleanup Shell Script
Makefile file, Contents of the /etc/mail/cf Directory
makemap command, Other Files Used for Mail Services
map key bad message, Miscellaneous Error Messages
maps (autofs)
administrative tasks, Administrative Tasks Involving Maps
automount command
when to run, Administrative Tasks Involving Maps
avoiding mount conflicts, Avoiding Mount-Point Conflicts
comments in
Master Autofs Map
Direct Autofs Maps
Indirect Autofs Maps
Direct Autofs Maps
Direct Autofs Maps
executable, Executable Autofs Maps
Indirect Autofs Maps
Indirect Autofs Maps
maintenance methods, Administrative Tasks Involving Maps
Master Autofs Map
Master Autofs Map
direct maps, How to Modify Direct Maps
indirect maps, How to Modify Indirect Maps
master map, How to Modify the Master Map
multiple mounts, Hierarchical Mounting
network navigation, How Autofs Navigates Through the Network (Maps)
referring to other maps
Maps That Refer to Other Maps
Maps That Refer to Other Maps
selecting read-only files for clients
How Autofs Selects the Nearest Read-Only Files for Clients (Multiple Locations)
How Autofs Selects the Nearest Read-Only Files for Clients (Multiple Locations)
special characters, Autofs and Special Characters
splitting long lines in
Master Autofs Map
Direct Autofs Maps
Indirect Autofs Maps
starting the navigation process
Mount Point /home
How Autofs Starts the Navigation Process (Master Map)
types and their uses, Administrative Tasks Involving Maps
Variables in a Map Entry
Variables in a Map Entry
MASQUERADE_EXCEPTION() m4 configuration macro, Additional and Revised m4 Configuration Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
master map (auto_master)
/- mount point
Master Autofs Map
Mount Point /−
comments in, Master Autofs Map
comparing with /etc/mnttab file, How Autofs Works
Master Autofs Map
Mount Point /net
description, Administrative Tasks Involving Maps
enabling secure NFS, How to Set Up a Secure NFS Environment With DH Authentication
modifying, How to Modify the Master Map
overriding options, How to Access NFS File Systems by Using CacheFS
Master Autofs Map
Master Autofs Map
preinstalled, Setting Up a Common View of /home
security restrictions, How to Apply Autofs Security Restrictions
syntax, Master Autofs Map
when to run automount command, Administrative Tasks Involving Maps
MAXBADCOMMANDS macro, sendmail command, Additional MAX Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
MAXETRNCOMMANDS macro, sendmail command, Additional MAX Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
MAXHELOCOMMANDS macro, sendmail command, Additional MAX Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
MAXNOOPCOMMANDS macro, sendmail command, Additional MAX Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
MAXVRFYCOMMANDS macro, sendmail command, Additional MAX Macros From Version 8.12 of sendmail
mconnect command
How to Verify Connections to Other Systems
Contents of the /usr/bin Directory
message types, SLP, SLP Message Types
ASSERT error messages
UUCP ASSERT Error Messages
UUCP ASSERT Error Messages
checking error messages, Checking UUCP Error Messages
STATUS error messages
UUCP STATUS Error Messages
UUCP STATUS Error Messages
mget command (FTP), example, How to Copy Files From a Remote System (ftp)
MILTER, mail filter API, MILTER, Mail Filter API for sendmail
minus sign (-), /etc/hosts.equiv file syntax, /etc/hosts.equiv File
mnttab file
comparing with auto_master map, How Autofs Works
creating, setmnt Command
modem, fixing modem problems, How to Diagnose Modem Problems
modem (PPP)
chat scripts
How to Create the Instructions for Calling a Peer
Basic Modem Chat Script
Modem Chat Script for Calling an ISP
For More Chat Script Examples
for an ISDN TA, Chat Script for External ISDN TA
template, /etc/ppp/myisp-chat.tmpl Chat Script Template
UNIX-style login, Basic Chat Script Enhanced for a UNIX-Style Login
dial-in server, How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-in Server)
dial-out machine, How to Configure the Modem and Serial Port (Dial-out Machine)
creating chat scripts, Defining the Conversation on the Dial-up Link
DSL, PPPoE Consumers
setting the modem speed, How to Set the Modem Speed
modem (UUCP)
direct connection, Structure of the Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File
port selector connection
Structure of the Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File
Structure of the Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File
setting characteristics
Hardware Flow Control in /etc/uucp/Systems File
Hardware Flow Control in /etc/uucp/Systems File
Enabling Hardware Flow Control in the /etc/uucp/Dialers File
Enabling Hardware Flow Control in the /etc/uucp/Dialers File
troubleshooting, How to Check for Faulty Modems or ACUs
UUCP databases
DTP field of Devices file, Structure of the Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File
UUCP databases, DTP field of Devices file
Structure of the Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File
Structure of the Dialer-Token-Pairs Field in the /etc/uucp/Devices File
UUCP hardware configuration, UUCP Hardware Configurations
direct autofs map, How to Modify Direct Maps
indirect autofs map, How to Modify Indirect Maps
master map (auto_master), How to Modify the Master Map
mount command, mount Command
autofs and, About Autofs
disabling large file creation, How to Disable Large Files on an NFS Server
diskless clients' need for, About Autofs
failover with
Using the mount Command
Using the mount Command
manually mounting file systems, How to Mount a File System From the Command Line
NFS URL with, Using the mount Command
description, mount Options for NFS File Systems
no arguments, Using the mount Command
nolargefiles, How to Disable Large Files on an NFS Server
public, How to Mount an NFS File System Through a Firewall
using, Using the mount Command
with NFS URL, How to Mount an NFS File System Using an NFS URL
mount of server:pathname error, Miscellaneous Error Messages
mount points
/- as master map mount point
Master Autofs Map
Mount Point /−
avoiding conflicts, Avoiding Mount-Point Conflicts
Master Autofs Map
Mount Point /home
/net, Mount Point /net
mountall command, mountall Command
mountd daemon, mountd Daemon
checking response on server, How to Check the NFS Server Remotely
not registered with rpcbind, NFS Error Messages
verifying if running
How to Verify the NFS Service on the Server
NFS Error Messages
all file systems in a table, mountall Command
autofs and
About Autofs
Hierarchical Mounting
background retries, mount Options for NFS File Systems
diskless client requirements, About Autofs
examples, Using the mount Command
force direct I/O, mount Options for NFS File Systems
foreground retries, mount Options for NFS File Systems
keyboard interruption during, Strategies for NFS Troubleshooting
nfsd daemon and, How File Systems Are Mounted
overlaying already mounted file system, Using the mount Command
portmapper and, How File Systems Are Mounted
public file handle and, How File Systems Are Mounted
read-only specification
mount Options for NFS File Systems
Using the mount Command
read-write specification, mount Options for NFS File Systems
remote mounting
daemons required, Strategies for NFS Troubleshooting
How to Check Connectivity on an NFS Client
How to Verify the NFS Service on the Server
soft versus hard, Strategies for NFS Troubleshooting
/var/mail directory, How to Set Up a Mail Client
mounting file systems
autofs and, Mounting With the Automounter
boot time method, How to Mount a File System at Boot Time
disabling access for one client, How to Disable Mount Access for One Client
manually (on the fly), How to Mount a File System From the Command Line
NFS URL with, How to Mount an NFS File System Using an NFS URL
overview, Mounting File Systems
task map, Mounting File Systems
through a firewall, How to Mount an NFS File System Through a Firewall
mput command (FTP), example, How to Copy Files to a Remote System (ftp)
mqueue directory, Other Files Used for Mail Services
MS-DOS files, accessing with autofs, How to Access PC-DOS Data Diskettes With Autofs
multicast (SLP)
changing interfaces, Configuring the net.slp.interfaces Property
How to Limit UAs and SAs to Statically Configured DAs
How to Configure DA Heartbeat for Frequent Partitions
if disabled, When to Configure for Nonrouted, Multiple Network Interfaces
multihomed machines and, Multihoming Configuration for SLP
propagation, How to Configure the Multicast Time-to-Live Property
service requests, Why Deploy an SLP DA?
time–to-live property, Configuring the Multicast Time-to-Live Property
traffic, Why Deploy an SLP DA?
multihomed hosts (SLP)
broadcast-only routing, Configuring Broadcast-Only Routing
changing interfaces, Configuring the net.slp.interfaces Property
configuration, Multihoming Configuration for SLP
proxy advertisement, Proxy Advertising on Multihomed Hosts
scopes and, DA Placement and Scope Name Assignment
unicast routing disabled, Configuring the net.slp.interfaces Property
without multicast, Why Deploy an SLP DA?
multiple files (ftp), How to Copy Files From a Remote System (ftp)
MX (mail exchanger) records, How to Use DNS With sendmail
MYNAME option of Permissions file, UUCP MYNAME Option
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