OpenSolaris 2009.06 Image Packaging System Guide
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IPS Commands

The Image Packaging System software provides the following commands:


A command-line client that can be used to create and manage images, search package data, and perform software installation, upgrade, and removal.

For more information, see the following:


A command-line client that can be used to publish packages, create package repositories, and manage existing package repositories.

For more information, see The Publication Client pkgsend(1).


A command-line daemon that can be used to create package repositories, and manage or provide network access to existing package repositories.

For more information, see Overview of the pkg.depotd Depot Server.


A command-line client used to retrieve the contents of a package from a package repository. The retrieved package can then be modified and republished using the pkgsend command.

For more information, see pkgrecv(1), Content Retrieval Utility.


A graphical client used to create and manage images, search package data, and perform software installation, upgrade, and removal.

For more information, see Package Manager (GUI).

Note - The pkg(5) man page describes the Image Packaging System. The pkg(1) man page describes the image packaging management client.

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