System Administration Guide: Virtualization Using the Solaris Operating System
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Implementing Pools on a System

User-defined pools can be implemented on a system by using one of these methods.

  • When the Solaris software boots, an init script checks to see if the /etc/pooladm.conf file exists. If this file is found and pools are enabled, then pooladm is invoked to make this configuration the active pools configuration. The system creates a dynamic configuration to reflect the organization that is requested in /etc/pooladm.conf, and the machine's resources are partitioned accordingly.

  • When the Solaris system is running, a pools configuration can either be activated if it is not already present, or modified by using the pooladm command. By default, the pooladm command operates on /etc/pooladm.conf. However, you can optionally specify an alternate location and file name, and use that file to update the pools configuration.

For information about enabling and disabling resource pools, see Enabling and Disabling the Pools Facility. The pools facility cannot be disabled when there are user-defined pools or resources in use.

To configure resource pools, you must have superuser privileges or have the Process Management profile in your list of profiles. The System Administrator role includes the Process Management profile.

The poold resource controller is started with the dynamic resource pools facility.

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