Solaris Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide
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terms, definitions of, Understanding Labels
testing and debugging applications, Developing, Testing, and Debugging an Application
text, color names, Obtaining the Color Names of Labels
toCaveats method
code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toChannels method
code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toColor method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toFooter method
code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toHeader method
code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toInternal method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toProtectAs method
code example, Translating Between Labels and Strings
declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toRootPath method, declaration, Accessing Labels in Zones
toString method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toText method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toTextLong method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
toTextShort method, declaration, Translating Between Labels and Strings
labels with font list, Translating the Window Label With the Font List
privileges needed, Privileged Operations and Labels
Trusted Extensions APIs, Solaris examples, Understanding Labels
Trusted Extensions system, detecting, Detecting a Trusted Extensions System
Trusted Path window, definition of, Trusted X Window System APIs
Trusted X Window System
API declarations
Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs
Trusted X Window System APIs
client attributes structure, Data Types for X11
defaults, Default Window Resources
description of, Trusted X Window System APIs
input devices, Keyboard, Pointer, and Server Control
label-clipping API declaration, Label-Clipping APIs
object attribute structure, Data Types for X11
object type definition, Data Types for X11
objects, Trusted X Window System Security Attributes
override-redirect, Override-Redirect Windows
predefined atoms, Default Window Resources
privileged tasks, Privileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
properties, Trusted X Window System Security Policy
property attribute structure, Data Types for X11
protocol extensions, Trusted X Window System
root window, Root Window
security attributes
contrast with Solaris, Trusted X Window System APIs
description of, Trusted X Window System Security Attributes
security policy, Trusted X Window System Security Policy
Selection Manager, Selection Manager
server control, Keyboard, Pointer, and Server Control
Trusted Path window, Trusted X Window System APIs
using interfaces, Using Trusted X Window System Interfaces
tsol_getrhtype() routine, declaration, Obtaining the Remote Host Type
tsol_lbuild_create() routine
code example, Creating an Interactive User Interface
declaration, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
description of, tsol_lbuild_create() Routine
tsol_lbuild_destroy() routine, declaration, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
tsol_lbuild_get() routine
code example, Creating an Interactive User Interface
declaration, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
tsol_lbuild_set() routine
code example, Creating an Interactive User Interface
declaration, APIs for Label Builder GUIs




X Window System, See Trusted X Window System
API declarations, Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs
objects, Trusted X Window System Security Attributes
XTsolClientAttributes structure, Data Types for X11
XTSOLgetClientAttributes() routine, declaration, Accessing Attributes
XTSOLgetPropAttributes() routine, declaration, Accessing Attributes
XTSOLgetPropLabel() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Property Label
XTSOLgetPropUID() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
XTSOLgetResAttributes() routine
code example, Obtaining Window Attributes
declaration, Accessing Attributes
XTSOLgetResLabel() routine
code example, Obtaining a Window Label
declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Label
XTSOLgetResUID() routine
code example, Obtaining the Window User ID
declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window User ID
XTSOLgetSSHeight() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
XTSOLgetWorkstationOwner() routine
code example, Obtaining the X Window Server Workstation Owner ID
declaration, Accessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID
XTSOLIsWindowTrusted() routine, declaration, Working With the Trusted Path Window
XTSOLmakeTPWindow() routine, declaration, Working With the Trusted Path Window
XTsolPropAttributes structure, Data Types for X11
XTsolResAttributes structure, Data Types for X11
XTSOLsetPolyInstInfo() routine, declaration, Setting Window Polyinstantiation Information
XTSOLsetPropLabel() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Property Label
XTSOLsetPropUID() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
XTSOLsetResLabel() routine
code example, Setting a Window Label
declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window Label
XTSOLsetResUID() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Window User ID
XTSOLsetSessionHI() routine, declaration, Setting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
XTSOLsetSessionLO() routine, declaration, Setting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
XTSOLsetSSHeight() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
XTSOLsetWorkstationOwner() routine, declaration, Accessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID
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