2. Types, Operators, and Expressions 8. Type and Constant Definitions 34. Statically Defined Tracing for User Applications |
ExamplesexecYou can use the exec probe to easily determine which programs are being executed, and by whom, as shown in the following example: #pragma D option quiet proc:::exec { self->parent = execname; } proc:::exec-success /self->parent != NULL/ { @[self->parent, execname] = count(); self->parent = NULL; } proc:::exec-failure /self->parent != NULL/ { self->parent = NULL; } END { printf("%-20s %-20s %s\n", "WHO", "WHAT", "COUNT"); printa("%-20s %-20s %@d\n", @); } Running the example script for a short period of time on a build machine results in output similar to the following example: # dtrace -s ./whoexec.d ^C WHO WHAT COUNT make.bin yacc 1 tcsh make 1 make.bin spec2map 1 sh grep 1 lint lint2 1 sh lint 1 sh ln 1 cc ld 1 make.bin cc 1 lint lint1 1 sh lex 1 make.bin mv 2 sh sh 3 sh make 3 sh sed 4 sh tr 4 make make.bin 4 sh install.bin 5 sh rm 6 cc ir2hf 33 cc ube 33 sh date 34 sh mcs 34 cc acomp 34 sh cc 34 sh basename 34 basename expr 34 make.bin sh 87 start and exitIf you want to know how long programs are running from creation to termination, you can enable the start and exit probes, as shown in the following example: proc:::start { self->start = timestamp; } proc:::exit /self->start/ { @[execname] = quantize(timestamp - self->start); self->start = 0; } Running the example script on the build server for several seconds results in output similar to the following example: # dtrace -s ./progtime.d dtrace: script './progtime.d' matched 2 probes ^C ir2hf value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 4194304 | 0 8388608 |@ 1 16777216 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 14 33554432 |@@@@@@@@@@ 9 67108864 |@@@ 3 134217728 |@ 1 268435456 |@@@@ 4 536870912 |@ 1 1073741824 | 0 ube value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 16777216 | 0 33554432 |@@@@@@@ 6 67108864 |@@@ 3 134217728 |@@ 2 268435456 |@@@@ 4 536870912 |@@@@@@@@@@@@ 10 1073741824 |@@@@@@@ 6 2147483648 |@@ 2 4294967296 | 0 acomp value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 8388608 | 0 16777216 |@@ 2 33554432 | 0 67108864 |@ 1 134217728 |@@@ 3 268435456 | 0 536870912 |@@@@@ 5 1073741824 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 22 2147483648 |@ 1 4294967296 | 0 cc value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 33554432 | 0 67108864 |@@@ 3 134217728 |@ 1 268435456 | 0 536870912 |@@@@ 4 1073741824 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 13 2147483648 |@@@@@@@@@@@@ 11 4294967296 |@@@ 3 8589934592 | 0 sh value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 262144 | 0 524288 |@ 5 1048576 |@@@@@@@ 29 2097152 | 0 4194304 | 0 8388608 |@@@ 12 16777216 |@@ 9 33554432 |@@ 9 67108864 |@@ 8 134217728 |@ 7 268435456 |@@@@@ 20 536870912 |@@@@@@ 26 1073741824 |@@@ 14 2147483648 |@@ 11 4294967296 | 3 8589934592 | 1 17179869184 | 0 make.bin value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 16777216 | 0 33554432 |@ 1 67108864 |@ 1 134217728 |@@ 2 268435456 | 0 536870912 |@@ 2 1073741824 |@@@@@@@@@ 9 2147483648 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 14 4294967296 |@@@@@@ 6 8589934592 |@@ 2 17179869184 | 0 lwp-start and lwp-exitInstead of knowing the amount of time that a particular process takes to run, you might want to know how long individual threads take to run. The following example shows how to use the lwp-start and lwp-exit probes for this purpose: proc:::lwp-start /tid != 1/ { self->start = timestamp; } proc:::lwp-exit /self->start/ { @[execname] = quantize(timestamp - self->start); self->start = 0; } Running the example script on an NFS and calendar server results in output similar to the following example: # dtrace -s ./lwptime.d dtrace: script './lwptime.d' matched 3 probes ^C nscd value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 131072 | 0 262144 |@ 18 524288 |@@ 24 1048576 |@@@@@@@ 75 2097152 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 245 4194304 |@@ 22 8388608 |@@ 24 16777216 | 6 33554432 | 3 67108864 | 1 134217728 | 1 268435456 | 0 mountd value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 524288 | 0 1048576 |@ 15 2097152 |@ 24 4194304 |@@@ 51 8388608 |@ 17 16777216 |@ 24 33554432 |@ 15 67108864 |@@@@ 57 134217728 |@ 28 268435456 |@ 26 536870912 |@@ 39 1073741824 |@@@ 45 2147483648 |@@@@@ 72 4294967296 |@@@@@ 77 8589934592 |@@@ 55 17179869184 | 14 34359738368 | 2 68719476736 | 0 automountd value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 1048576 | 0 2097152 | 3 4194304 |@@@@ 146 8388608 | 6 16777216 | 6 33554432 | 9 67108864 |@@@@@ 203 134217728 |@@ 87 268435456 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 534 536870912 |@@@@@@ 223 1073741824 |@ 45 2147483648 | 20 4294967296 | 26 8589934592 | 20 17179869184 | 19 34359738368 | 7 68719476736 | 2 137438953472 | 0 iCald value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 8388608 | 0 16777216 |@@@@@@@ 20 33554432 |@@@ 9 67108864 |@@ 8 134217728 |@@@@@ 16 268435456 |@@@@ 11 536870912 |@@@@ 11 1073741824 |@ 4 2147483648 | 2 4294967296 | 0 8589934592 |@@ 8 17179869184 |@ 5 34359738368 |@ 4 68719476736 |@@ 6 137438953472 |@ 4 274877906944 | 2 549755813888 | 0 signal-sendYou can use the signal-send probe to determine the sending and receiving process associated with any signal, as shown in the following example: #pragma D option quiet proc:::signal-send { @[execname, stringof(args[1]->pr_fname), args[2]] = count(); } END { printf("%20s %20s %12s %s\n", "SENDER", "RECIPIENT", "SIG", "COUNT"); printa("%20s %20s %12d %@d\n", @); } Running this script results in output similar to the following example: # dtrace -s ./sig.d ^C SENDER RECIPIENT SIG COUNT xterm dtrace 2 1 xterm soffice.bin 2 1 tr init 18 1 sched test 18 1 sched fvwm2 18 1 bash bash 20 1 sed init 18 2 sched ksh 18 15 sched Xsun 22 471 |